Thursday, August 28, 2008

CodingWebU Partners with a New Author

CodingWebU has partnered with a new author to develop courses covering Infectious Disease and Orthopaedic Coding.

Learn the mystery of Infectious Diseases

Learn the coding intricacies of infectious diseases. Learn how and when to apply specific 900 codes in cases of infections. Do the terms MRSA, HIV, Hepatitis C and End-Stage AIDS cause confusion? Learn the particulars associated with these codes. This course will help one to know when certain codes are primary codes and others are required to be secondary codes. What is necessary to correctly address acute and chronic infectious conditions? Learn how vaccine coding may have different requirements for immuno-compromised patients. This course will assist the student in de-mystifying the often complex conditions in this category.

Orthopedics is more than broken bones

Does orthopedic coding leave you confused trying to determine the differences between arthodesis and arthocentesis, between compression and compartments, autogenous grafts and allografts? Here you will learn to differentiate and master the vocabulary of orthopedics - including some of those procedures that carry the name of some long-ago surgeon - and have the tools to code these often confusing procedures.

Specialty Medical coding is special

Here you will find the answers to code some interrelated conditions - hypertension and renal diseases. Why are they assumed to be related; what should the hypertension table mean to me? What is the difference between acute renal failure and chronic renal failure and why does it matter? What is the GFR and how does it relate to coding chronic renal failure? How is dialysis coded? What changes if an anemia is related to renal failure? Learn the guidelines for coding the specificities of these conditions.

About the Author

Our new author was originally a nurse, then moved into management consulting and coding. Her experience in practice management spans more than 30 years. She has earned an RN, BA, plus a College Certificate in Healthcare Management and has been certified as a CMM, CPC, and a CCS-P.

She teaches medical billing and coding at a local college, and primarily works in medical records and HEDIS audits and coding compliance areas for physicians and facilities. Nationally published, she continues to author relevant articles and courses as well as a newsletter for her clients.

Monday, August 18, 2008

CodingWebU Partners with a New Author

CodingWebU has partnered with a new author to develop Physician Billing and Reimbursement courses, Interventional Radiology, and Specialty Coding Courses.

Our new author, Dorothy, is an Independent Consultant and Educator in Atlanta. She was a Medicare specialist for a large hospital system with 32 years of experience in healthcare. She is a technical school instructor in Atlanta. She performs coding reviews for the QIO in GA, and also performs physician audits and education. Additionally, she has been a technical contributor for several medical publications and has developed a workshop focusing on facility billing, coding and reimbursement. She has supervised a physician audit team for a healthcare system and presented at several national healthcare conferences.

Her credentials include: CPC-H-I, CHCC, CPUM, CPUR, ACS-OP, CCS-P, RCC, RMC, CPC-EMS, CPC-FP, PCS, FCS, CPAR

Sunday, August 10, 2008 is a Reseller for AMA's Coding Books now offers the AMA's coding book titles. strives to provide their customers with the best resources at the best prices. We guarantee to beat any companies prices on any AMA coding book title. Some of the most popular titles are available for purchase anytime at If there is any title needed or for group purchases, please contact CodingWebU for pricing.

To see all the AMA titles that are available, please go to

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Anatomy Curriculum, LLC has contracted to develop an Anatomy Curriculum. The curriculum will consist of approximately 8 courses and will be available during the fall of 2008.

Here are the courses included within the curriculum.

Full Coverage - The Skin
Musculoskeletal – Head to Toe
Respiratory – The Aero Plane
Circulatory – From Arteries to Veins
Digestive – The Ins and Outs
Urinary - The Plumbing System
Our Different Parts – Male and Female
The Nervous System – an internal conversation

Our newest author brings with over 25 years of medical experience. This includes a diverse background in all areas of medicine in the physician and facility settings and she has worked with many physician specialties. Her consulting company provides compliance focused education from front office to back. She is active in the American Academy of Professional Coders and in her State Medical Society. Her professional speaking includes speaking educational lectures for the AAPC and other healthcare related groups.

Medical Terminology Curriculum, LLC has contracted to develop a Medical Terminology Curriculum. The curriculum will consist of approximately 8 courses and will be available during the fall of 2008.

Here are the courses included within the curriculum

Integumentary System
Musculoskeletal System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Urinary System
Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Nervous System

Our newest author brings with over 25 years of medical experience. This includes a diverse background in all areas of medicine in the physician and facility settings and she has worked with many physician specialties.
Her consulting company provides compliance focused education from front office to back. She is active in the American Academy of Professional Coders and in her State Medical Society. Her professional speaking includes speaking educational lectures for the AAPC and other healthcare related groups.