Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Medical Terminology Curriculum

CodingWebU.com, LLC has contracted to develop a Medical Terminology Curriculum. The curriculum will consist of approximately 8 courses and will be available during the fall of 2008.

Here are the courses included within the curriculum

Integumentary System
Musculoskeletal System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Urinary System
Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Nervous System

Our newest author brings with over 25 years of medical experience. This includes a diverse background in all areas of medicine in the physician and facility settings and she has worked with many physician specialties.
Her consulting company provides compliance focused education from front office to back. She is active in the American Academy of Professional Coders and in her State Medical Society. Her professional speaking includes speaking educational lectures for the AAPC and other healthcare related groups.

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